Directora de RH para la Región Latín América South – Citibank
Mariela is the Latin America South and Argentina HR Head. She is responsible for eight countries in LAS (Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela)
Mariela started her career with Citi in 2000, as an intern in Venezuela, in the HR department and was soon promoted to Human Resources officer in Training and Development. Mariela worked in the Quality and Marketing departments, for a couple of years, and later she returned to HR where she performed different roles: HRA of all the businesses and functions, Staffing Head, TL&D Head and Comp & Benefits; until she was appointed HR Head of Citi Venezuela in 2011.
In 2015, she was appointed HR Head for Uruguay, then in 2016 she was designated as CHRO for Argentina and in 2017 her role was expanded, being also designated South Cluster HR Head. Finally, in 2020 her responsibilities were extended to the whole LAS Cluster, being designated as LAS & Argentina HR Head.
With over 20 years of experience, Mariela has developed a deep and diverse expertise across different countries and roles in HR and other functions including local and regional roles. Additionally, she has led from an HR perspective the implementation of complex processes and initiatives, such as: negotiation of collective agreements, design of HR strategies for countries with complex macroeconomic conditions such as Argentina and Venezuela, divestiture of the consumer business in Argentina, consolidation of the ICG business from a people perspective after the divestiture, and restructurings in different countries, among others.
Mariela holds a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, as well as an MBA from Universidad Metropolitana. Additionally, she is a certified International Senior Coach from Newfield Consulting. She is married and has a little daughter.